This picture cracks me up! It has been quite the ordeal trying to get Braden to sleep without the beloved pacifier. Every time I lay him down in bed he cries for 10 minutes, then he gets up and plays in his room for another 20 minutes until he gets bored and then he comes out acting like nothing is up. I know he is tired, but he refuses to give in. In this picture, he was so exhausted he actually fell asleep in our office chair. He looks so cute, but not very comfy. I sure hope he gets over this sleeping issue soon, until then he is going to have a sore little neck...
3 days ago
Cute picture!! Ohhhhh...poor Braden! We dealt with the same thing with our little buddies. It's the price you have to pay to have a good, content baby... (I think anyway...), but the weaning them from it is NEVER easy. GOOD LUCK!!
oh the joys of losing the binky! I had a bunch for Brock but he just played with them so I packed them all up and put them away! It takes time but he'll forget about the binky, hopefully sooner rather then later!
Jaxon is the same way! Not with the binki, just with sleep in general. He always fights me at naptime, and it can get serious! (screaming for like an hour) So, I basically have given up. If he takes a nap, he takes a nap. If he doesn't, he goes to bed early, which we love!
Jaxon is the same way! Not with the binki, just with sleep in general. He always fights me at naptime, and it can get serious! (screaming for like an hour) So, I basically have given up. If he takes a nap, he takes a nap. If he doesn't, he goes to bed early, which we love!
Jaxon is the same way! Not with the binki, just with sleep in general. He always fights me at naptime, and it can get serious! (screaming for like an hour) So, I basically have given up. If he takes a nap, he takes a nap. If he doesn't, he goes to bed early, which we love!
That's how I feel at the end of the day. We must be related. He is a cute boy.
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