

What's up with us....

My goodness, it feels like forever that I have actually done a real post. So here is what's been going on.


At the end of July, Tom said goodbye to the University of Phoenix and started working for a company called Concentric In Scottsdale. He has done really well, and we are so proud of him and thankful for all of his hard work to provide for our family.
He is also getting psyched up for the Ducks first game of the season tomorrow. GO DUCKS!!!

About a month ago, I got called to be the Young Woman's Mia Maid advisor. I was really nervous about this calling since I really don't like to teach, but getting to know the girls and the other leaders has been a real blessing.

I got this sweet new jogger on craigslist 3 weeks ago and I have been taking the kids out at about 6:30 every morning before it gets too hot. I go about 3 miles and then let Braden play at the park. It is really such a great way to start the day!

Tom's brother, Grant has joined us down here in the desert and is living with his other brother Sam. He has a house that is less than a mile away from us. Last Saturday we met at the Garlock's pool and Braden was messing around with Grant's hat. It was so funny!

Braden has started to say his own prayers. There really is nothing sweeter.....

The dreaded potty training....I couldn't decide whether to put this under my name or Braden's name. It feels like this is more about what I am doing than what Braden is doing:) I just started reading this book and I can already tell, this is going to be a LONG process. Wish me luck, and if you have any advise, I need all the help I can get....I am so sick of diapers!!

BROOKLYN:My baby girl is already five months old!! She has been the most amazing baby. Although she is still so little, she is not letting that slow her down. She loves to be up on her hands and knees and lunge herself forward. She is going to be crawling in no time....

This is Tom's cousins baby Nixon. He is 2 months younger than Brooklyn, but has already passed her up on length and weight. They are so cute!

So, that's everyone! Well, except for Roxy, but Tom would die if I put her on here:)


Davis and Carter's Mommy said...

I have the same jogger, we love it (and have abused it almost to death). All I can say about potty training is, ugh! And maybe wait until Braden is totally ready. I think we started too soon and it has been such a horrible ordeal.

Bonnie said...

My advice is go cold turkey with diapers. Sounds crazy but they learn quickly and it really works.

Kurt & Shawn said...

Hey cute kids, sounds like you are doing great!! So, what is Tom actually doing for this new company. I would love to know some details. Smooches to all the Arizona folks from the Ohio Cousins!!

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