I really don't like taking my picture when I am pregnant. I only have one while pregnant with Braden and I always felt bad I didn't take more....Sadly, this time around its no different. I did finally gave in and took the one and only "belly" shot for Brooklyn. I just feel so blah! I had to make this page EXTRA cute to distract from the picture:)
Last weekend for Presidents Day Tom took Braden on an overnight camping trip. I thought it would be such a nice break, but the whole time I just wanted them home! Every time I walked by Braden's room I would get a little teary eyed. Haha...I know it sounds silly. He is just such a fun kid! So here is the one and only picture Tom took....Beware, it is SO SAD! Tom said just as he was about to take the picture Abby pushed on the gas and Braden went flying off the back. No worries though. He is a tough kid and didn't even cry. Tom said he jumped right back on...
For Valentines Day Tom and I went to our ward Sweetheart dinner. It was such a fun night with yummy food and hilarious karaoke. Best of all, they provided nursery for Braden!
With only 6 1/2 weeks left till Brooklyn arrives, I have been SUPER baby hungry. I was going through Braden's baby pictures and did a little page of all of his firsts. I forgot how bald he used to be:) But SO stinkin cute!!!
Walkin' Down Memory Lane
Sorry, this is kind of a random post. I haven't taken any pictures lately so I have been scrapping some old pictures I hadn't gotten around to. This first layout is from my sisters wedding in October. Isn't this one so cute?!?These next pages are inspiration from my long lost journal...I was going through our garage last week and came across a box of stuff that I had from before I was married- in it I found my journal. I found some entries of two things I thought would be fun to scrap. First, was this vacation to Hawaii with my family in 2003. I wanted to remember every bit of it, so while I was there I wrote down everything we did. It was so fun to go back and relive those memories.
I did the same thing for Tom and I. When we first started dating I decided to write down all the fun things we did together in my journal. Here is what I came up with-
That's all I've got for now, until next time....
It's Official...
I got my final ultrasound last Friday and found out for sure that we are going to be proud parents of a little girl! The 3D machines are so cool and we got the cutest pictures of our baby girl! She is 3 lbs 11 oz and in the 56%. Everything looks great and she is right on track.
(Journaling reads: We treasure this first glimpse of you, the amazing miracle of life is true. So small, yet awesome in what you'll become, grow strong and healthy our little one. We are here dreaming and waiting, wishing, preparing, and anticipating. Each day is a step closer to life anew, each day a touch closer to holding you.) My parents and sister were here visting this week and we went crazy buying cute girly stuff. It was such a good time having my family here. It was pretty hectic having 6 people and 2 dogs living in my house for a week, but I am so sad they are gone, and can't wait for them to be back for the baby in April.